Oaksey Park Team - Ramsbury Trophy - 23 September 2021
Mens Captain's Log • 24th Sep, 21 • 0 Comments
I am very pleased to advise that Oaksey Park entered a seniors mens team in the Wiltshire Golf Limited - Ramsbury Trophy on the 23 September 2021.
The team: Steve Butcher, Andy Dickinson, Mike Bye and David Walsh finished a very creditable 8th, against some very high profile Wiltshire golf clubs and some very difficult handicap restrictions and I believe the team has put Oaksey Park very much on the Wiltshire golfing map.
This is as far as I know the first time we have entered a county competition and the team have done us proud. Well done to you all.
We will review other county competitions to see is we can organise a team.
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